Friday, January 29, 2010

An open letter to my fellow cyclists/adventurers

Good Morning/Afternoon/Evening all of you hyper-intelligent shades of blue,

Yesterday, I received a communique from a certain Sir MT. It turns out that his family, and his in-laws are going to the south of France. Mr. T  has graciously invited me and another crazy cyclist @bad_akuro to join him for about a week or so.

 Ah-ha! I hear your protestations and complaints already.  "But @damookman", you say shrilly in a distinct but husky tone, "Why do you want to go on his family vacation? Is he adopting you?"


*composes himself*

You see Big Lad MT, KT (his wife) and LM (his father in law, aka, the retiree who kicked our arses) are avid cyclists. And they plan on biking around the neighborhood. Of course, the neighborhood is the south of France, specifically the town of Orange, just a stone's throw away from Marseilles, close to being under the shadow of the legendary Mont Ventoux and maybe even spend a day or two in Barcelona which is 3 hours away. And as M "look at my shaven muscular legs" T put it.

Southern France has some great views through wine country so we could do la-la rides everyday and work in a few workout routes as well.  LM mentioned one nasty mountain route (he refered to it as iconic) that he and G? are planning to do.  I think it may be Montpellier.  Where we are LM says it's easy by car to get to a few good biking spots along the tour route.   Also we will be close to Avingnon (location of the "pont d'avingnon" a childrens song and key destination for AT) Marseille and a 3 hour drive from barcelona.  I think there will be a day trip of two to those locations.  KT has even suggested spending a night in Spain.

For those who do not know.
LM - Father in law, the retiree who kicked our arses fully clad in lycra at the beginning of last season.
G? - FIL's friend. Possibly also lycra clad. The ? is because he is mysterious.
AT - M "Productive Loins" T's daughter
Marseille - Type it into google, you lazy prat.

Ah yes, the cost. Here is the part I was scared of. It is not a trip to Wasaga beach or even to Goderich, ON. The flight is going to cost about 1000-1200 bucks. For staying there,  M "Sir Moneybags the Third" T, has suggested renting a house which would drop the cost to about 50 bucks a person per night. So if we stay for ten days that would mean $500. So just to get there and chill would cost us $1500 per person.

BUT. And pay attention here you spoiled yet lovely anacondas, for this is the important reason that I want to go to France.

I want to go to France. 

That being said, I am scared that at some point in time M "Dr. Livingstone, I presume" T will try to sell me to local caravans in exchange for trinkets. As he so nicely pointed out this time he will speak the local language. This worries me a bit because he did try to sell PD when we were in India, and it was only the fact that he could not speak the language that stopped him.

But it will be fun, we will have bikes, amazing scenery and French Women who will try to ply my affections with generous libations.

Yours in pain and hope,


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