This city runs on tips. Understandable, as so much of the traffic that comes through here is based on tourism and there is a lot of poverty. But still, most of our moneyzz (TM) has been spent on tips, tips and more tips.
That being said our cabbies so far have been interesting. There are only two major ones to speak of. R from day one and UK from day 2. R from day one (not his real name) was a very upfront driver who first took us to a money changer in a seedy backalley. "Why oh venerable blogger?" Who said that? Oh its you again, I should have known. It's because, my beautiful lemur, stupid western unions were closed on a Sunday and since he did not "know" where else to take us and just "happened" to take us to a place where he would get a small commission. At least now we knew the game was on.
He was then hoodwinked when we demanded to go to a place for shopping, and eating not on his lists. The bugger got us back though. He stated that if we were looking for items for souvenir we should head to a place called "Emporium". At least he was honest about saying that he is going to get a commission out of this and if we bought anything, he stands to make more. Awesome deal for me, as his "tip" went away.
Day 2 was Agra. Post to follow soon on that day. The driver that we had for that stretch was a completely different person. A very professional man, who led us through some of the worst traffic we have seen thus far. He did however, mention that traffic has been very light thus far. MT's video of the traffic screams otherwise, but hey, who are we to argue. However, I must say he is also the only person to take a shot at MT thus far. Here is how the conversation went.
UK: Sir, you did go to Agra right?
@damookman: Yes?!?
UK: And you saw the Taj, and the other beautiful things there?
@damookman: We did indeed.
UK: And you and the other sirs, took pictures and videos there.
@damookman: Yes.
UK: I only ask because it seems that sir (pointing to MT) does not appear to have found anything other than a traffic jam to videotape.
I like UK as a driver.
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