Thursday, August 12, 2010

In this one “ I have something to tell to you.”

“ Manu, I have something to tell to you. Your dog is called Flower Beach and is purple. I will go look for it when I am older. It is called Flower Beach because beaches are purple.”

- A. Thompson (age 5)

I would attempt to provide context to the story but nothing I could come up with is going to do this justice. All I can say is that the background to the story involves a luggage identifying tag, a made up story about a lost dog in Barcelona airport and the imagination of a five year old in a car on the way to look at Pont d’Avignon.

Monday, August 9, 2010

In this one I write an open letter to Paris

My dearest Paris,

We have been through a lot together haven’t we? From the missed trains to the massive monuments. From the statues of mental giants outside of the Louvre to the gorgeous women flashing their intoxicating smiles at me.

What can I say, I love you. While I can never inhabit you, I thank you for allowing me to enjoy your splendor. Your traffic known by lesser travellers as “crazy” was effectively tame wherever I crossed your streets. Your waiters, known for their rudeness, warmed up and welcomed me into their money grabbing clutches as soon as they heard me butcher their beautiful language.

Friday, August 6, 2010

In this one a chalet gets in the way

Before I start, I must congratulate my erstwhile torturers friends MT, KT, LM and GP who kicked the Mt Ventoux’s bottom.The quickest time recorded was by LM @2:12 followed closely by KT who did it in the exact same time albeit with more rest periods.

The ride began on a beautiful day with nary a cloud to be seen. This caused a great deal of consternation within the group as ideas of rain/hail/snow/sleet were quickly ruled out. Breakfast was consumed with the same enthusiasm as a person who is about to walk the green mile consuming his last meal prepared by the cafeteria staff. Thankfully, the cafeteria staff in question was LM and his lovely wife HM who made sure that we were fed food fit for a king (or Prince Chuck anyway). With my excuses for wanting to take a nap instead of climbing a mountain dismissed as malarky, we set off.

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

In this one I wake up in Bedoin.

How to describe Bedoin? Picture a storm ravaged coastline replete with massive mongooses. Bedoin is nothing like that. Bedoin is more like a tranquil shark with blue skies, remoras and mountains surrounding it. As I sit poolside, listening to wind pass through the surrounding trees, I feel completely at ease.

We all went on a 20-odd kilometer ride through the Pyrenian mountains to the neighboring city of Malaucene. A lumpy ride during which I was attacked by retirees in spandex verbally and by vicious chihuahuas physically. But perseverance is the key here as evidenced by this picture. This picture was taken when I was racing to save a puppy from drowning in a lake up the road. While details are sketchy, this image is not altered in anyway shape or form**.

The ride was followed by a quick shower and a sojourn into the village to hunt Baguettes and Beer. Beer was obtained, along with a coffee based drink that looked confusing. Confusing because it came with tassels. Delicious regardless of its form this was consumed with much rapidity. Now I am waiting for dinner. I am right chuffed about it. For tomorrow, we suffer.

** Image completely doctored. Any resemblance to any such events occurring at that time are purely coincidental.