Good day my lovely cetaceans,
I know that you have waited with bated breath for my next communiqué. I have deprived you of this amazing, handsome and talented blogger’s pithy writings. For this, I do apologize, just like a famous golfer did recently for sampling a cavalcade of fine women. In so much that I am sorry for my (in)actions, but to be honest, I was having fun while doing (or not) it.
So back to the post. As I mentioned in one of my past musings, that we (PS aka the useless co-writer, DS who is no relation to PS but also quite useless as a blogger, and KB who is no relation to me and is quite unsure what a blog is) were heading to St. Lucia. Well as I type this I am flying over Savannah, Georgia headed to Miami, from where I shall fly with my metal wings to St.Lucia. The problem is that we do not know where we are going to stay once we are in St. Lucia.
You see, PS, apart from being the world’s worst co-writer, is also one of the people who was responsible for booking a hotel for us to stay. So proactive was this man, that within a few hours of us deciding to do this trip, he had been in contact with a small hotel owner in St. Lucia. This was followed by him promptly declaring this endeavour a success and assuring us that he had taken care of accommodations. We slumbered in our belief that everything had been indeed taken care of.
This dream was shattered much like a Ming vase shot out of a howitzer in the middle of a hurricane made of angry tigers. You see on Wednesday, PS, decided to check up on the hotel room. It turns out that the hotel room was *not* booked. This caused some amounts of consternation inside his capacious cranium. Upon enquiring how a room that he had “booked” 4 months back is not in fact booked. Apparently, hotel rooms are not booked if money does not change hands. Since the hotelier was asking for a wire transfer and PS was not used to wires, transfers or money and the only think that he provided instead of green pieces of paper, the hotelier with was supplied with ample assurance that we were coming, and told him to hold the room. It appears that someone might have given the hotelier a better deal. A deal that might have actually involved small green pieces of paper.
So where does this leave us? PS managed to speak to “Simon” who is a hotelier in St. Lucia, who has managed to link us up with his friend “Trevor’s” apartments. So we have two 1-bedroom flats to stay in. The following is the questions that I was most concerned about. The following is the answer that I was provided with.
Do we know the address of this place? No. Turns out addresses are quite unnecessary. We are supposed to land at the airport and call Trevor to acquire the required directions. This I am sure will end well. May the great flying spaghetti monster have mercy on my meatballs.
That sounded wrong.